Sunday, December 9, 2007

April 25th, 2005

The challenge will be to tell the story without revealing too much of the actual plot, not that anyone who reads my stuff here is is in much of a position to spoil the surprise for the Wal*Mart-Discount-Rack-DVD-buying public. Plus, it's not like we're all going to be wearing enough makeup to hide our identities. A single look at the production stills'll give that away. Still, you never know.

So, this email arrives in my Inbox. "Hey everyone, there's this indie film going into production, and we need people to work on it. Need actors, set builders, costumers, makeup artists. If you're interested, drop me an email at..."

I look at my schedule, the many irons I've many that I'm going to have to consider building additional fires for them. I think, sounds like fun, but. I delete the email and move on.
A week later, I get a phone call from a friend of mine, Sean. "Bill," he says, "I'm working on this movie, I'd really like it if you'd work on it, too." He goes on to explain the premise, and I listen politely, having already gotten the rundown but unwilling to take the pleasure of the telling away from him. He stops to breathe.

"No fucking way, man. Not happening. No time, no money. No."

Okay, that's what I thought. What came out of my mouth was, "Damn, that's a great idea. I would love to work with you again."

Such is the force of Sean's personality. Bastard's impossible to say no to. Got cast in the last remaining role on the Good Guys' side. Got the Big Picture at the first meeting, got the more honest picture in subsequent meetings.

In short, in the director/producer we have a man of great drive and ambition who appears to have a really good handle on what he wants to do and has surrounded himself with good people who have the ability to make that happen. Now, if we could just let the recipe cook without over-stirring the pot...

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